There's an election coming up, and I am hopeful. Regular readers will no doubt be familiar with my political leanings, and there has been no change whatsoever. I would love nothing more than for that corrupt and uncaring organisation known as the Conservative Party to be wiped out. After 14 years in power, with five different leaders, they are now promising to do things that could have been delivered years ago. In 2019, that comedy bogbrush Boris Johnson won his election with a pledge to get Brexit done. Naturally all the racists and the xenophobes became members of the party, in the hope that their saviour would somehow transform UK PLC into a white man's paradise. Anyone who so much as criticised his motives was promtly shouted down with accusations of being an unpatriotic sh*t, or even a traitor. Britain was now run by the Gammon Army.
For a long time, I was friends with a guy on Facebook, yet in 2020 he saw fit to unfriend me, because I had the temerity to question why our supreme leader should have a plentiful stock of toilet rolls, while us plebs were enduring a shortage. Apparently I was being downright unpatriotic for not venerating our Bozzer like we do Winston Churchill. Another friend drummed me out of his coterie for calling Boris a fanny. In his eyes, this was unhelpful and uncalled for, and this army surplus-wearing fellow was not prepared to be subjected to my apparently childish contributions. Do tell - when did it become an offence to criticise the current leader of this country? A fanny is a fanny, after all!
As is to be expected from a right-wing government, they vowed to clamp down on immigration. Didn't bloody work, did it! Since Brexit, immigration numbers have skyrocketed. Actual real human beings are prepared to risk their lives by crossing the English Channel in dinghies. So much for pulling up the drawbridge and keeping those filthy m*zzies out! All those hard-working Polish folk have sadly returned, leaving restaurants understaffed, and no one willing to pick British fruit for crap money. In fact, those f*cking Conservatives think that bringing back a form of National Service is a decent idea, and that 18 year olds can pick our fruit for no pay at all. Another suggestion was that they could collect and deliver prescriptions for the housebound and the disabled. How could that go wrong, eh? At the risk of being facetious, I can only imagine these spotty oiks making off with any Pregabalin or Temazepam that may be among those prescriptions!
Well, nothing lasts forever, and fortune has not been kind to the Conservatives. Their popularity has plummeted, with the sensible among them defecting to Labour or the Liberal Democrats, and the rabid gammon switching to UKIP/Brexit Party/Reform UK or whatever the fascist b*stards are calling themselves this month.
Latest predictions put Labour on course to win 472 seats (up 275), Conservatives retaining only 76 seats (down 300), Liberal Democrats with 60 seats (up 52), Green achieving 2 seats (up 1), and Reform UK bagging just the one solitary seat. This is not a good time to be a right-wing foamer. The gammonati will likely be crying into their Wetherspoons beer. Well, they had five years to put this country straight, and they failed. Your party is over, chaps. It's now time for the left to make a return. It's time to get back some sanity. It's time to stop viewing disabled citizens as a drain on this country's resources. I have read the Conservative manifesto, and it is essentially an 80-page suicide note. As one Mick Hucknall sang 35 years ago:
The growth of a nation cannot be achieved by keeping the downtrodden down.
Just because a party like the Conservatives has been around for a long time, does not mean they will continue to be around for a long time. When Canada went to the polls in 1993, their centre-right party the Progressive Conservatives went from a healthy 156 seats down to a pitiful 2! While their more right-wing Reform Party went from 1 seat to 52, it was the centre-left Liberal Party that paddled all those right-wing arses by going from 81 seats up to 177. In 2003, the Progressive Conservatives ceased to be, and merged into the Reform Party who were by now known as Canadian Alliance. This once trusted and long-established political force was wiped out, and eventually perished. Do not be surprised if the same fate should befall our Conservatives. Yes, it is a long way to fall, but they made their bed, and they have to jolly well lie in it. Their fish is cooked, and there is no uncooking it.
Bim bim bim
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