Gorbi help us!

Thursday, 1 September 2022 - 6:11 pm

In 1985, Mikhail Gorbachev became the Soviet leader. This was during the Cold War, when tensions between the USA and the Soviet Union ran high. East was east, and west was west - two different colours on the map. The leaders of both sides waving their wangers about, boasting of having the biggest nuclear arsenal. It is no surprise that a drama programme such as Threads came to being, reminding us of what was possible. Why else did Two Tribes spend nine weeks at number one? It was a reminder of the delicate balance.

Gorbachev was a moderate. He was up for change. He was willing to talk shop with the questionably-sane Ronald Reagan. In 1987, Reagan challenged Gorbachev to "Tear down this wall!" The Soviet press saw it as an "openly provocative, war-mongering speech". It would take two years for this feat to be accomplished. While DDR leader Erich Honecker was intent on maintaining the status quo, Gorbachev was not interested. He saw change as a necessity. He was the key to the great Soviet machine winding down, and freedom being bestowed upon central and eastern Europe, and across much of Asia.

Gorbachev was a man of hope. So much so, in 1987 the Italian dance project Midnight's Moskow recorded the Italo-disco track Tovarisc Gorbaciov [Listen on Youtube]. An unintentionally comical song with the optimistic refrain of: "Welcome... to the USSR! Welcome... whoever you are!" That is how much people believed in him, and his ability to bring about change, and set his people free.

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