Cruel summer

Saturday, 16 July 2022 - 8:07 pm

There is a heatwave on the way, and it starts tomorrow. Three days of temperatures in the 30s, and even managing to push into the 40s. Sorry guys but I don't do Fahrenheit! What's the point of it? Water freezes at 0°C and boils at 100°C. How simple can it be? If someone says 32°, I am not going to be imagining the freezing point of water, but a very hot day!

With this in mind, our shambles of a government has anounced a red weather warning. This warns of potential illness and death for even the fitter folk among us. Reassuring eh. I am fully prepared to start hanging white bedsheets over the windows in order to keep the sun out of any given room. Sleeping in 25°C night time heat is going to be interesting. Fans and bottled water are at the ready. One thing is for certain - all of the plants in our garden are being watered daily. Thank Heavens there isn't a hosepipe ban in place, as I would only be be driven to flouting it! All that money spent on our garden is NOT going to waste. I shall tinkle!

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