Have it like an oligarch

Wednesday, 22 September 2021 - 4:39 pm
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On Monday they opened two new tube stations in London - Nine Elms station and Battersea Power Station station. Notice how difficult that last one is? These stations form the extension of the Charing Cross branch of the Northern Line. The areas of London now being served by these stations will, of course, be filled with unaffordable housing. Entire blocks being purchased outright by Qatar or Dubai, or by rich Chinese who never even set foot in this country! Seems we don't care who owns things, so long as we get the f*cking money. Our citizens go homeless, while needless luxury housing gets built and then promptly swallowed by Russian oligarchs.

Rant aside, the two new stations look positively cavernous. The original designs saw actual daylight being thrust down into the lowest reaches of the platforms. I hope such a feature is still intended, just remaining inactive for the time being. Daylight makes us function properly, after all.

These days I view this from a PC screen, as London is but a memory. It is years since I last visited. Eight years in fact. There is no reason for me to go there anymore, and I do miss the place. Many things have changed since I left, and it would certainly be a shock if I did return. The flats where we once lived now has entryphones. New housing has replaced a children's play area. There's a Sainsbury's on the High Road now. Things are already not the same.

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