Shed my skin

Friday, 26 March 2021 - 11:39 pm
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Last year we laid some paving in our back garden. There was a dropped section at the bottom of the garden that the previous resident decided to cover with fake grass. This was a poor idea as weeds only grew through those sheets of fake grass. These things will grow through concrete if they have to. Also the surface only got covered in leaves etc. so unless you are prepared to vacuum, it is not pretty.

Further, the drop in level is of no use to Hannah with her limited mobility, so we decided to raise the area and pave it. This saw us bring in four ton-bags of hardcore, three ton-bags of sand (with additional sacks when we ran out), numerous sacks of cement, and 120 paving squares. The picture above shows that lowered section before all the work began. The little shed was moved elsewhere in the garden. There now exists this house-shaped paved area there.

Once completed, we decided that a corner shed or summer house would look rather decent up in that corner created by the fence and the old wall. Only now are we able and prepared to obtain a suitable building. Only one snag - COVID. Because non-essential businesses have had to shut shop for the duration, there is a distinct lack of availability when it comes to shed providers. Go to Wickes, go to B&Q, go to Homebase, or indeed any other shed vendor, and the result is the same:

This product is not available for home delivery.
This product is not available for click and collect.

Basically, ye cannae have it. The suppliers are busy sitting on their hands, hoping they will still be able to trade again at some point, while the stores are bereft of any stock. Even as we are locked down, we are unable to find certain forms of entertainment/respite/achievement during it. The summer house is going to have to wait. This lovely killer-virus is busy chucking spanners into many a creative machine out there.

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