Spin that wheel

Thursday, 25 June 2015 - 8:00 pm
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I have started my mobile disco outfit once again, following an absence of near five years. In fact, the last gig I did was a 40th birthday in November of 2010. Too long has passed. Modern music has evolved once again, and I am having to reacquaint myself with it. My business cards do emphasise my specialising in older music, though it would make sense to cater for the various mutant strains that pass for entertainment in this day and age. Some people just so happen to like that wub-wub-wub thing that gets called dubstep!

Do you suffer from hayfever? I do, and it is no fun. And it seems to be getting worse with each year. I spent the first 30 years of my life being immune to hayfever, with my mum, dad and poor, long-suffering asthmatic sister having to deal with it. At 31 however, it was presented to me on a platter whether I wanted it or not.

The one-a-day tablets do nowt for me. The one-every-four-hour ones are only marginally better. Sadly I have been resorting to phenergan, which just so happens to double up as a sleeping tablet. It is the only thing that helps me. Unfortunately the purchase of said tablet is a little controlled over here. I remember doing a two week stint on the pharmacy counter at Sainsbury's, and being shown where this tablet was kept, and given a list of customers that I was forbidden from selling it to. This included that mad bat Maureen who came in three times a day. She was truly the Agnes Brown of the store! "Fokkin Jasus! Would you look at that!"

So there are today's topics - spinning, sneezing and sleeping. What a wonderful combination!

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