This is a journey...

Sunday, 5 April 2015 - 2:56 am
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If there is one thing that can be said about life, then it is that life is a journey. A journey that can alter at the drop of a hat. For better or for worse, no-one can know. The great future is unwritten, and cannot always be planned for.

This time twenty years ago, I became married to Lesley. It was on the 8th April 1995 at Ealing Town Hall. We had hopes and dreams. Little did I know that things would very soon take a downward turn. 1995 would see me become homeless - three months of sleeping rough before eventually being rescued and then rehoused in Birmingham. Eventually the marriage would come to a tragic halt, leaving me to start over, in a different place and with different plans.

Even thinking back ten years ago reveals plans that did not quite work out. At one point, the early April of 2005 would have seen me moving to Manchester, to live with Clair. Again, there were hopes and dreams that did not quite realise fulfillment. Different plans once again came into play.

What actually became of the that April of 2005 was meeting Julie. Once again, hopes and dreams were built - but only to crash and burn in their own good time.

We cannot help but look back on the things of the past. The hopes and the plans we had, whatever became of them, and where they have eventually led us to. For a start, I never thought I would ever leave London. Live in Birmingham? Why would I ever do that? Well I did! Manchester? I may have family aplenty up there, but could it have become a home? There was Watford, but that was just outside of London and therefore did not keep me from the vibrancy of London.

Today finds me living in greenest Northamptonshire. It has been two and a half years in fact. Yes, the hourly bus service to either Corby or Peterborough (or every two hours on a Sunday) is another world entirely. But then London can spoil you with its comprehensive night bus network. Even the nearest rail service to me (from Corby) is once an hour. Lord, I miss the Northern Line sometimes! That said, how can I ever leave this place? I would be mad to. I am in a far better place now that I was all those years ago. My health may be a little poorer, but things are a whole lot better.

On an entirely separate note, I must apologise for this blog being a little inaccessible of late. My other sites are down because of a hosting issue which shall be resolved in good time. You can still find me here.

Happy Easter. Enjoy the new look of the blog, by the way.

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