An apology too late

Saturday, 30 September 2006 - 9:32 pm

On Tuesday night, Julie announced that I was nothing more that a stopgap for that whisky-drinking child-injuring prat of an estranged husband. Thursday she texted me to say sorry. How am I supposed to believe her? After all she has said? Someone explain that to me. Now, being Saturday, there is an email from her offering yet another pathetic, lame apology. Too little too late Julie, you scum-loving idiot!

I am only fortunate that my tablets are now starting to have their desired effect on me. I thought this moment would never come. I think I deserve a sing tonight. After all I have done for that waste of f*cking time, money, space and food, I had better start doing things for myself, as no one else is going to be able to offer a hand. In troubled times, we are alone. Well, apart from the really unhinged idiots, that is - they get all the pussy.

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