Sister act

Thursday, 8 July 2021 - 4:22 pm
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The results of my recent DNA test have dropped. On Monday I received my ethnicity results, and they were a surprise. My original prediction was as follows:
  • Spanish - 50%
  • Irish - 22.5%
  • English/Welsh - 15.5%
  • Scottish - 12%
The actual result is as follows:
  • Spanish - 37%
  • Irish - 27%
  • Scottish - 13%
  • Basque - 10%
  • English/North European - 7%
  • Welsh - 6%
That means my mum is 74% Spanish, 20% Basque - and astoundingly of all - 6% Irish. I do wonder what she would make of that last fact - given that she used to refer to Terry Wogan as: "That Irish pr*ck"! My total makeup is seriously Brexit-unfriendly:
  • European - 47%
  • Celtic - 46%
  • Anglo-Saxon - 7%
As for the mysterious Kath? She is not my aunt. She is my half-sister. My own dad was responsible for bringing her into the world. He brought seven children into this world by way of four women. Kath was the first in 1952, and I was last in 1972. What is odd is that, when she was younger, she knew a man called Harold Wolstenholme - who just so happened to be my/her granduncle, or brother-in-law to my/her grandmother. Her family were effectively right under her nose, and she was even living close to her half-brother in Stalybridge.

I can only be thankful for the ready availability of DNA testing. It doesn't just solve crimes - it brings families back together again. No extra-marital procreation shall go unchecked!

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