Like many I have purchased a copy of the 50th anniversary edition of Abbey Road. Not the de-luxe box set edition - just the standard single vinyl edition. Lovingly remixed for the occasion by Giles Martin (son of George), the result is something that is most different from that 1987 CD pressing.
Take Here Comes The Sun: for a start, George Harrison's vocal is exactly where it should be - dead centre. Not off to the right. I don't care if it was 1969 at the time! There is no excuse for panning the lead vocal to one side. Secondly, the harmonies of Paul and John have been brought out from the shadows. They were meant to be heard after all! The result is delicious.
Overall, the sound has been given a more contemporary air. Vocals are more forthright than before, and it is - for me at least - easier to digest. Some people may find it like eating a lasagne with all of the ingredients laid separately before them. For me it makes more sense. That hi-hat cymbal in the middle of Something has been given a stereo effect that suits it so much more than the deadpan mono example of the original. You may have to listen to both the original and the new one to really play spot the difference, but it is fun.
If you do go for the 3 CD version with outtakes, there is an early construction of the medley entitled The Long One. This sees Her Majesty being placed in its originally intended position - between Mean Mr Mustard and Polythene Pam. There it should have stayed, but then they knew best. It also includes an early working of Golden Slumbers, which features Paul becoming emotional as he sings the lines. The original is emotional enough, but with the addition of Paul's voice cracking up, the effect is amplified. It is truly phenomenal.
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