The old soak

Thursday, 30 May 2019 - 9:09 am
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As I type this, two workmen are preparing our wetroom for a bath. It is becoming the traditional bathroom once again.

When we moved to this property, the bathroom had already been converted to a wetroom with a walk-in shower. This arrangement obviously suits a person with limited mobility. My partner however, has serious muscular issues which can only really be eased with a good soak in a good old tub. Me and my arthritis could also use a good steaming in a tub. As convenient the shower is, it does not help with our ailments.

An acceptable bathtub would start at £120 (not a fragile acrylic one), with the neccessities like feet, overflow, taps and panelling driving up the cost. Fortunately there is eBay, and a drive to a village near Northampton saw us secure a tub and associated bits for a more decent £30. A nice wide and reassuringly heavy tub too. Our joints and muscles have been crying out for this for almost a year and a half!

I laid some parquet-style vinyl last night, and we have a couple of blue tester pots to smear on the wall, just to see whether the existing duck egg shade can stay or not.

Bring on the bubbles! I've got the ducks at the ready...

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