Beats a heart of pure arthritis
Thursday, 8 December 2016 - 9:22 pm
Christmas, computer, health, politics, tech

It is bad enough having arthritis in both of my big toes. The right one especially. What I have to deal with now is a right knee that has become arthritic too. I had my suspicions for a couple of months, and so went to see the doctor a couple of days ago. A nice, new doctor. Reminded me of a young Ed Miliband. He had me lay on the bench while he yanked and cranked my right leg and knee, causing me a bit of pain. And ever since then, my knee has been a whole lot worse. Thank you Miliband Jr!
On a happier note, we upgraded our broadband to fibre. That 12-16 meg service has now become a 34-40 meg service. Talk about progress. I remember when I switched from dial-up to 512K broadband I was ecstatic!
Right, Happy Christmas and Om Shanti to all of you.

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